The BusinessWeek / Interbrand 2007 Annual Ranking of the 100 Best Global BrandsFor more info - download the PDF
HereHere are some of the brands
1 Coca-Cola
Country - U.S.
- Still No. 1, but consumers’ shift from soda in the West has hurt Coke. Success with Coke Zero hasn’t made up for Coca-Cola Classic’s continued loss of share.5 Nokia
Country - Finland
- Nokia built its brand at both ends of the market, with high-end multimedia handsets
for upscale buyers and low-priced phones for emerging countries.
7 Intel
Country - U.S.
- Intel shored up its position as the world’s leading chipmaker, but sub-brands
such as the Viiv entertainment PC and Core processors failed to resonate.
18 Cisco
Country - U.S.
- Although its presence on the Internet is mostly behind the scenes, the networking giant continues to invest in pricey image ads in advance of a bigger push into consumer gear.
20 Google
Country - U.S.
- Despite fears of Google’s growing power as it moves into services beyond search,
the brand still appeals to consumers and businesspeople. Google from position
24 in
2006 now in
2007 is positon
20 .
Source :
Business WeekInterbrandLabels: Google - Annual Ranking