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Saturday, June 24, 2006

2006 June 20

A great Tuesday

On this day happen something call Goliath vs David

There is one big company send a warning letter to a website . Due to domain name and some copyright pictures . Look like the big fat company strong giving warning to a small and weak .
More like bully senario .
The site mainly just a fan site with review , news and introduction . The language on that website was in english . Well this site admins did a great job by doing translating from one Mandarin to English . For us a Banana community is very important . Defination Banana community - Education in English + skin and heart are always yellow . We are not well verse with mandarin .

then come the Big fat company staff . He refer himself as a small fry . No power with big voice .
He say only when there is or are complain only we come after you .
How it happen ? a third party complain about the fan site or his big power boss ask him to do it .

So is it scaring .

Well if you want to help this site . This site have teach me many things . www.tvbsquare.com . Go to website and u will understand .

go here : http://www.petitiononline.com/5101314/petition.html

Help to save the above site .

some motivation quotes :
" As we express our gratitude , we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them . " ~ John F. Kennedy

"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. " ~ Samuel Johnson

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. " ~ Sir Winston Churchill "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. " ~ Sir Winston Churchill

"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. " ~ Sir Winston Churchill

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My internet dairy .

Life between real life community and internet community a.k.a cyber community .
How do we need to balance it in life . ???

Comparison between below

Real life community
Wake up to go to work
Work from 9am to 5 pm
Lunch in fast food restaurant
Evening go for jogging
Dinner with friends .
Watch TV my best sitcom
Well rest and sleep


Internet life community
Check my first e-mail for the day .
Online on IM , my favorite mp3 player
Lunch using quick microwave – Ting! Ting!
Let my fingers rest , after clicking mouse & keyboard
Candle light dinner with my PC daily
Chit chat with my cyber friends .
There is no sleeping here .

Well in real life , so many stress and problem . Have to tackle one by one or multitasking .

For internet life is stress free . Important to have a 24 internet connection , stock of Coke and Corn Chips . Not forgeting my faithful PC .

these 2 life i been thru before . still going on with real daily life . For online world , gone thru a 3 month - 24 hours online . that life was the best time of my life .

one answer to balance
12 hours real life 12 hours internet life .